Heeeeeere's Ruby!

Heeeeeere's Ruby!
This is what Ruby looks like at present.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Angeles Crest Highway Reopen!!!

When I first bought Ruby Sep 2009, I was told I HAD to ride the "Crest" - best ride in Southern California. So I saddled up and rode to the where it begins in La Canada only to discover it was closed because of fires - DAMN. Then it was closed for winter, then it for floods and mudslides, then another fire, then rebuilding guardrails, then repaving.

Today, I was FINALLY able to ride Angeles Crest Highway from the start (rode one other time by taking Big Tejunga Canyon Road). Mike (my Suzuki Bandit-riding buddy) and I braved early drizzle and cool temps to make this ride today. YEA!!!!!

After a nice ride to Newcomb's Ranch for a little refreshment, we backtracked to Angeles Forest Highway and rode to Acton...then hit Soledad Canyon Road....then hit Sand Canyon to Little Tejunga Canyon Road to Sunland. Finally, it was time to jump back on the super-slab (210) for the ride back to civilization.

Overall, a GREAT day of riding and I look forward to riding it again, and again, and again, and again.........

Sunday, June 3, 2012

WARR Ride and Virginia Lake Vacay

Long time since I've added anything to my blog. It's not that I haven't been riding - heck, Tracey and I have even taken a couple of rides together - but I just haven't posted. My bad. Anyway, we've got the WARR coming up June 15-17 of this year. The WARR is the Western Area Raider Rally and is our first time getting together with other Raider Riders from the Road Star Raider forum. I've been talking with these guys for 2 years now so it'll be interesting to put faces and names with screen names. The ride will consist of leaving here Fri and riding 450 miles to Carson City, NV. We'll spend the night, then we plan to ride back out Sat through Yosemite and the Sequoia National Forest and spend the night in Fresno, CA. Sunday we'll finish the ride back to El Segundo, then jump in the car and head up to Virginia Lake where we have a 2-bedroom cabin overlooking the lake. The plan is to spend a week enjoying the scenery at 10,000 feet, trout fishing and generally just getting away from it all. So stay tuned for updates and pictures.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Angeles Crest Highway Reopen!!!

When I first bought Ruby Sep 2009, I was told I HAD to ride the "Crest" - best ride in Southern California. So I saddled up and rode to the where it begins in La Canada only to discover it was closed because of fires - DAMN. Then it was closed for winter, then it for floods and mudslides, then another fire, then rebuilding guardrails, then repaving.

Today, I was FINALLY able to ride Angeles Crest Highway from the start (rode one other time by taking Big Tejunga Canyon Road). Mike (my Suzuki Bandit-riding buddy) and I braved early drizzle and cool temps to make this ride today. YEA!!!!!

After a nice ride to Newcomb's Ranch for a little refreshment, we backtracked to Angeles Forest Highway and rode to Acton...then hit Soledad Canyon Road....then hit Sand Canyon to Little Tejunga Canyon Road to Sunland. Finally, it was time to jump back on the super-slab (210) for the ride back to civilization.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

And Even More Pics of Ride For Guide Dogs!!!!!!

More Ride For Guide Dog Pictures!!!

Oh Look - PUPPIES!!!!!!!

Today was our second time doing a charity ride for a worthy cause, The Ride For Guide Dogs. Although the Poker Run portion didn't go as well this year as last (I won $250 last time), it was still a great day for riding, nice weather, a beautiful route and great friends to ride with (we won't discuss the navigational skills of our fellow riders). All in all, a great day. But enough words, here are pictures! Speaking of pictures, can you believe the RatRod Harley in these pics?!?!?! Yes, he actually rode it the entire Poker Run AND it made it back to the BBQ - unbelievable.

Check The News Before Riding In Long Beach

One of my very good friends (Ellengrace) decided she wanted her birthday party at The Wine Crush in Long Beach. MapQuest gave me the directions so no worry, right? I jump on trusty Ruby because it's a beautiful afternoon and the evening's supposed to be just as nice.

So Mapquest tells me to take Shoreline Drive to Ocean to Cherry to Broadway. I'm not familiar with Long Beach so sounds good to me; however, as I veer right onto Shoreline Drive, a sign to the left of the lanes reads "Ocean." I cruise on pondering why I would take Shoreline Drive if Ocean is right there. About 10 minutes later, I was wishing I'd followed my instincts on that pondering. One HUGE flaw of Mapquest is it fails to take into account other activities that could impact the desired route --- in this case, it was the Gay Pride Weekend Concert on Shoreline Drive!!!!!

Okay, so picture this...Ruby Red Yamaha Raider with a guy riding along in a black leather jacket and long, blonde hair flying in the breeze motoring along at less than a walking pace with nothing but gays and lesbians walking on both sides. My heterosexual male mind immediately starts singing "Macho, macho man..." as I patiently ride along looking for the Ocean Blvd turnoff to get the hell outta this situation before somebody jumps on the back with me.

Ten minutes further into this ride, I learn that Shoreline Drive doesn't intersect with Ocean - duh!!! Shoreline Drive actually dead-ends at a park. You guessed it, the park where the bandstand is set up for the Gay Pride Concert!!! Now, I have the distinct privilege of riding back up the same street at the same snail pace past the same people I feared would jump on Ruby with me. Now I'm even thinking that it must look like I'm cruising for a date.

I am the Golden Boy though so of course, everything works out fine. I find a street to turn off on that leads me to Ocean, Cherry, then Broadway, and I finally make it to The Wine Crush for a wonderful evening with my friends; however, it was a much more memorable ride than I'd ever imagined when I first threw my leg over Ruby for the evening ride.

P.S. To any liberal-thinking people who may read this, let me quote the Seinfeld Show: "...not that there's anything wrong with that!"